Woodcote Festival 14th September

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Woodcote Festival 14th September

Woodcote Festival 14th September

Woodcote Festival 14th September


We had a great afternoon at the Woodcote festival, selling out all our bottles on the bottle stall.We entered a selection of vegetables from our allotment and received a 2nd prize for our vegetable basket and potatoes. Won a 1st prize for our scarecrow amd 2nd for our lovely interesting sandwiches and a 1st for our biscuits. Wendy did a fantastic job with her apple pie getting a 1st and Liz managed a 2nd with her Victoria sponge.


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1 Comment

  1. Carla says:

    Wow, that is awesome. Well done to the children and the teachers for all the hard work.

Woodcote Festival 14th September
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