Woodcote Village Fete
It’s Christmas Raffle time!
09/11/2023This year Woodcote Pre-School and Woodcote Baby & Toddler Group have been super busy fundraising for their Active Early Years in Woodcote project.
Woodcote Pre-School has been operating from the heart of the village for over 55 years and provides a safe and stimulating environment for each individual child. Woodcote Baby & Toddler Group is held in the Village Hall on a Monday morning. It’s run by a group of volunteers from the village and has so far relied on donated toys. The aim of the joint project is to upgrade the resources used by the children at both settings and provide some new sports, balancing and climbing equipment and some interactive construction and sensory toys. Through these, the team hope to enable play and exploration, whilst helping the children to develop coordination and muscle control and encourage collaborative play.
Thanks to the Everyone Active grant scheme from South Oxfordshire District Council and some donations from the local community, the team are just over halfway to their target. This has enabled them to start purchasing some of the much-needed equipment.
Wendy Powell, Woodcote Pre-School Manager said “We’re so grateful that the funding has allowed us to make this project a reality, the children love using the new toys and equipment, they have been learning to take turns and are sharing really well with each other”.
We will be holding the following fundraising events to help raise the other half of the funding required for this project.
All are welcome to come along.
If you’d like to try out some of the new equipment with your little one, it’ll be at Woodcote Baby & Toddler Group on Mondays from 9.30am in the Village Hall.