Term1 Weeks 2 & 3
14/08/2019Week 2 – September 9th – All About Me
01/10/2019Welcome back, we hope you all had a nice, relaxing summer break & are looking forward to another new exciting year at Pre-school.
We spent our first week back welcoming some new children who have joined us & settling everyone in.
We have been very busy this week preparing for Woodcote Fete which takes place in the village hall & on the village green. The children have been collaging sun flower plates, painting rocks to hide in the village, made fairy cakes & biscuits & made hand print animals to enter into the competition. We have been over to visit our allotment to enter our vegetables & herbs into the competition. We entered leeks, green beans, herbs & carrots which the children have lovingly planted, watered & nurtured over the last few months.