Easter Holiday Club March 30th- April 10th
10/05/2015Week 2 April 20th Emergency Services/Green
10/05/2015Welcome back! We hope you all had a nice and relaxing easter break. This terms topic is transport and colours. We will be looking at different modes of transport and focusing on a colour each week.
On Wednesday we held our Easter Bonnet Parade, the children came in with their easter bonnets they made over the holidays. They entertained their families with all the rhymes and actions they learnt over the last term. It was lovely to see all the wonderful creations they made (I think we have some very talented children in Pre-school). Well done to all the children for all their hard work. The parents said they really enjoyed the parade and it was great to be able to see their children perform for them. We had our Easter raffle afterwards where we raised £59 for Pre-school. The families then enjoyed some tea and cake whilst the children had a buffet lunch. Thank you to everyone who came along to support us and your children.