Term 3 January 2018 – The Gruffalo Stories
31/01/2018Closure due to severe weather!
01/03/2018This terms topic is People Who Help Us. We will be learning about Doctors & Nurses, The Police, Vets, Fire Service & Dentists. There will be a visit from a Nurse, a PCSO, a Dentist, a Veterinary Nurse with her dogs and hopefully a Fire Engine!
This week we have received a visit from Louise one of our Mum’s who is a Paediatric Nurse. She came along with her stethoscopes, thermometers & all kinds of other medical instruments for the children to try & learn what they are for. Louise talked to the children about what she does at the hospital & how she helps people. The children were very excited & really enjoyed themselves.
We went for a walk to visit the Doctors Surgery. We said ‘Hello’ to Lucy the receptionist & Jenny the Nurse came out to see us. We went into the waiting room & looked at the pictures of all the people who work there. We talked about who had visited the Doctors or Hospital.