November Newsletter

Halloween Week
Halloween Week
Week 2 14th January
Week 2 14th January
Halloween Week
Halloween Week
Week 2 14th January
Week 2 14th January
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November Newsletter

November Newsletter

November Newsletter

This last month had been filled with many celebrations. We have taken the time to celebrate the bounty of the Autumn season by enjoying eating locally grown produce, much of which was planted and harvested from our own allotment.

We have been given some guttering by Zoe which we have used to make car and ball runs. It has been fun seeing how fast we can make the cars and balls run along the guttering. We have taken our classroom learning outside and have all enjoyed spotting letters and numbers on the number plates of the vehicles we see going past the green from our outside play area. We then created our own number plates to put on the trikes and bikes at pre-school.

Our all about Autumn week was spent exploring leaf shapes and autumn colours. Leaf printing and natures walks had the children learning and engaged in lots of  messy crafts. As always, we made use of our recently refurbished kitchen to do some delicious baking with the older children making cookie letters to spell out their names. The children are enjoying the rare bits of sunny weather we have been having allowing them lots of outdoor activities. Our younger children enjoyed going on to the green collecting autumn leaves and conkers which they turned into pictures using lots of glue and glitter.

The following week we rocketed of into Space and became astronauts by dressing up and imagining what it is like to walk on the moon. We took a closer look at the stars, learned about some of the planets and about space travel. The children especially enjoyed making pretend space ships and rockets  from recycled waste so we could fly around the village hall. We have celebrated space week in the kitchen with the children making space rock buns using sparkly hundred and thousands. They have also been thinking about designing their own aliens.

We dedicated a week to having fun with dressing up, exploring pumpkins and enjoyed a bit of gluing and sticking while doing halloween activities . We had a fancy dress parade where children were encouraged to come to school in their halloween finery to parade infront of parents and other family members. Many witches, ghost and monsters as well as some rather more cute and not so scary characters delighted us with a few songs and poems relating to harvest, autumn and Halloween. 

Earlier in the month, we attended a special harvest service at St Leonard's church. Generous pre-school families donated fresh and tinned and bottled produce which was distributed to those in need in our local community. During the service, the children enjoyed singing a few songs and listening to a story by Rev Linda. 



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November Newsletter
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