Week 11th November

Week 4th November Diwali and bonfire Night
Week 4th November Diwali and bonfire Night
week 18th November Animals of the sea
week 18th November Animals of the sea
Week 4th November Diwali and bonfire Night
Week 4th November Diwali and bonfire Night
week 18th November Animals of the sea
week 18th November Animals of the sea
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Week 11th November

Week 11th November

Week 11th November

We started this week thinking about why we celebrate poppy day, making poppy pictures and thinking about the injured soldiers you hear about on the news. To support this, the children created their own doctors centre to make everyone better.

The children were also learning about the animals you find in the forest, and enjoyed making dens to hide in.

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Week 11th November
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