Developing positive behaviour and self-control
Change: How do children cope?
07/08/2012By the time you read this, Pre-school will have closed for the summer holidays and we will have bid farewell to some of our older children as they begin at primary school in September. We are both proud and sad to see them leaving to go to school as they will be missed, and wish them the best as they start the next stage of their journey.
Looking back over the last few weeks we are glad to report that we had another successful coffee shop fundraising event on the 23rd of June at the community centre. Thanks to the team of ladies who helped to run the coffee shop and to all those who provided cakes.
Despite the poor weather, the children worked hard practicing for the sports day held on 6th July. It is particularly amusing to watch our youngest, some only 18 months old; trying their best to follow the instructions and do what to them must seem like a very complicated task. We were pleased to note however, that on the day everything went smoothly.
Sports Day arrived and with it so did the rain. Instead of cancelling or postponing, we moved the event indoors to the village hall. A huge turnout of parents and other family members squeezed together to watch and cheer their little ones on. After many races including egg and spoon and sack races, all participants received their well–earned Olympic style medals and enjoyed a healthy lunch afterwards. Parents were also invited to stay and to enjoy, nibbles with Pimms and lemonade or tea and coffee, and to participate in the raffle. All funds raised will go towards the purchase of a tepee and some outdoor panels. Thanks to all for the support you gave the children, they love having their families watch them.
During July the children have been making Olympic ring cookies and learning about some of the events that take place during the Olympics. In particular we have been looking at cycling and track events and so we have enjoyed cycling, running, and hurdling on the green. Whilst learning about Weightlifting and field events the boys especially have enjoyed making their own weights, javelins and bow and arrows the Blue Peter way. Creative use of card board tubes and enthusiastic raiding of the recycling box was all great fun and very messy. We also explored Equestrian sports using our hobby horses to race and have been singing horsy songs. The older children were invited to participate in a fun-filled Mini Olympics event at Woodcote Primary School organised by the reception class teacher, Hannah Farrant and the Oak class team. We would like to say a special thank you to all those involved.
We ended the term with pretend beach parties and a few picnics both indoor and out.
The pre-school management committee would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff for all the hard work and effort they put into providing the children with wonderful educational experiences as well as a welcoming and friendly environment where they can learn and play.
As always at this time in the school year, we have a few places available for the term beginning in September. If you have been thinking about where to send your little one, (age 18 months to school) please get in touch to arrange a visit. We would be glad to show you around. Contact Liz at www.woodcotepreschool.co.uk or on 01491 682300.