October Newsletter
November Newsletter
Minutes of the AGM
- Welcome and apologies received, invitation to sign in.
2. Adoption of minutes from last year’s AGM- minutes were passed by a majority showing of hands by those present.
3. Pre-school leaders report:
- Parents/ visitors were thanked for attending
· Staff have been attending courses in behaviour, first aid and are all up to date.
· Holiday club has been a great success- and has raised some funds for the school. Mentioned Easter holiday club and asked parents to let staff know if they would be interested in sending their children.
· A request was made for parents to send in wet weather gear, newspapers and boxes for the various activities under taken in pre-school.
4. Chairman’s report:
- Chair thanked all staff for hard work and congratulated Zoë on her attaining NVQ level 3.
· Highlighted the addition of the new kitchen and mentioned the new menu and how it adheres to government nutritional standards.
· Fundraising-mentioned that we now run 3 coffee shops per annum, skittles night, holiday club, Woodcote rally and festivals. Made a plea to parents to volunteer their time to help run these events.
· Thanks were extended to all who help with maintaining the allotment.
· Mention was made of the Winter Disco in February 2012 and invited all to attend.
· Mention was made of the good links fostered between pre-school and the primary and cabin schools.
5. Treasurer’s report (completed by Chairperson in absence of Treasurer): A brief financial statement was reported to parents.
6. Election of new committee members: Approval of new members was indicated through a majority show of hands.
7. Review of constitution: those in attendance were offered the opportunity to read the constitution and ask questions or make /suggest changes.
8. AOB: chair made a plea for more parents to become involved in fundraising.