Carrots and Marrows!
Dates for your Diary and other news
26/09/2011There was great excitement at Pre-school in the run up to the summer break. Sports Day was upon us and the children put on a fantastic display of running, jumping, sack races, egg and spoon race and wheelie pushing for their proud parents.It was wonderful to see so many parents, grandparents and even siblings in attendance and to see them enjoy the delicious tea and cakes (including a chocolate fountain) provided by staff and committee members.
This term we explored the topic of growing by visiting the allotment where the weeds seem to be growing bigger than our vegetables. Special thanks to Sharon for organising the edges to be trimmed and brought back under control! We have also been learning about insects and discovered, a little nervously, that some protected bumblebees have made our allotment tool store their home! So far we have remained peaceful neighbours and are pleased to have them taking care of pollinating our plants. Back in the classroom, we made a variety of creative and arty insects for the display in the village hall.
In the interests of personal development, the children have tried their hand at cleaning themselves as well as washing and caring for their baby dolls, which they washed quite enthusiastically, and often head first, in our outside play area on those lovely sunshiny July days.
With summer holidays and beaches foremost in our minds we set about exploring and trying different kinds of fish. We made them, talked about them, read about them and finally enjoyed a fish and chip lunch freshly prepared and cooked in our school kitchen.
During the break, we ran a holiday club that was extremely popular and busy this year with two weeks fully booked. A variety of activities were provided for the children to enjoy, including arts, crafts, outdoor play and face painting. Thank you to our wonderful staff that put so much effort into making the club so enjoyable!
With the Woodcote Festival coming up on the 17th of September, we need donations of bottles for the bottle stall that we will be running. I f you feel you can help us with this, please drop off any unopened bottles including wine, shampoo, bubble bath, sauces etc at the village hall for us. All proceeds raised on the day will go towards providing new equipment for the children to enjoy.
We would also like to take this opportunity to welcome all our new committee members and say thank you to those who have helped this passed year with all the behind the scenes work involved in running the Pre-school. Without your voluntary contributions, our school would not be the lovely place it is today!
Finally, the staff would like to thank all the parents for the lovely gifts they received from them, and the children, they are truly appreciated.
Are you looking for a caring and friendly place to send your child? Due to a few children leaving to start at primary school, we have some limited places available for September. If you would like to join us you can contact us on 01491 682300 or