May Newsletter
SKITTLES NIGHT Friday 21st May
13/05/2010The past month at Munch Bunch has seen us making owl cakes, and a rather magnificent multi-coloured sponge cake to celebrate St Patrick’s Day It was green, pink and yellow…don’t ask), and we also baked the ever popular chocolate cornflake cakes, with chocolate eggs and animal shaped biscuits. Over at the craft table we made Easter bonnets and Easter cards and decorated Easter baskets (they were not handbags, as one person, who shall remain nameless, called them).
However, the most exciting news must be that we have been over to the allotment and begun our preparations for planting. The spades have been out and weeds have been pulled. With all the rain and nothing having been planted yet there has not been much call for watering cans, but their time will come. A big thank-you to Louise and her helpers (you know who you are) for putting in the real back breaking work of clearing the beds, ready for planting. We have put in our request for plenty of sunshine, so we can spend as much time as possible over there in the coming months.
If you would like to join us there are a few spaces available; please call 01491 682300 for more information.