April Newsletter
Munch Bunch
09/05/2010This term we have been looking at transport and people who help us. Everyone loved the racing car week and enjoyed role-playing racing car drivers, zooming around in their cars and bikes in the main hall and the outside play area. There are a few budding Jenson Buttons and Lewis Hamiltons; let’s hope they remember to keep their excessive speeds to the racing track. It never ceases to amaze how fast those little cars and bikes can go, when you put an excitable child behind the wheel! As we all know those racing car drivers would be nothing without their mechanics, and we have had our own team on hand to mend the cars after any little prangs. They all did a fantastic job and thoroughly enjoyed themselves in the process.
The children have also enjoyed being mountain rescuers, rescuing each other and trying out being paramedics.
The younger children have been very creative with cardboard boxes. One week they were trains, and the next they were spaceships. You may have passed the Village Hall and wondered what was going on with lots of little ones running around, dressed up in their space gear. Worry not; they’ll be something else next term.
We celebrated St David’s Day, dressing up as Dragons and Knights and went green for St Patrick’s Day.
The Easter Bonnet Parade was fantastic. A huge thank-you to all the children (and grown ups!) who made such a great effort with the bonnets. Each one was wonderful and the children looked marvelous beneath all the yellow feather boas, chicks, eggs, more feathers and bunnies. As well as parents and grandparents, we also welcomed the Reception class from Woodcote Primary School, who watched the parade and listened to our songs. A thank-you must go to Miss Gibbs who had the very difficult task of
judging the winning bonnets. We hope you had a lovely Easter and look forward to seeing some of you while we are out and about next term, exploring our Village.