Munch Bunch
Munch Bunch
09/03/2010Another busy few weeks at Woodcote Pre-School have seen Chinese dragons mixing with traditional Nursery Rhyme characters at the Village Hall. All the children had a wonderful time decorating their Chinese lanterns and dragons for Chinese New Year.
We are all looking forward to Spring and exciting activities outside, as well as inside. With the weather (hopefully) becoming milder we are preparing ourselves for visits to the allotment. It has been a long winter, and there is plenty to do in order to ensure we have plenty of fruit and vegetables to pick and devour in the coming months. We should really run a sweepstake on how many full watering cans make it from the water tank to the allotment plot, as most of the water tends to end up watering little feet, but give them a few weeks and they’ll be old pros. March will see our traditional Easter Bonnet parade – glue and glitter at the ready! There may be a reward for identifying bonnets, which have been made without adult ‘assistance’! Our new lunch menu is going down extremely well; hot lunches every day have made for very happy faces, particularly as it has been so cold outside. Let‘s hope spring brings plenty of mild weather.