Waiting for signs of growth
11/06/2012With the festivities of May Day and the prerequisite dancing around the maypoles over, Pre-School is preparing for many exciting events over the next few months. These include the highly anticipated celebration of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, the Olympic Games and our own Pre-school Sports Day.
As part of our topic on healthy food and keeping fit and healthy, we will be turning our attention to the Olympics and our own Sports Day. All the children will be participating in a few athletic events, including the egg and spoon race, sack race and other displays of sporting prowess, involving balancing, running and jumping, all of which will take place on the village green. With the Olympics in mind, we will be creating our own Olympic torches out of paper and card. We will also make our own healthy food and do some taste testing of a variety of fruits and vegetables to see if we like them enough to add to our snack and lunch menu.
At every opportunity we get, we have been heading down to our fabulous newly improved allotment to dig, plant and search for the first signs of growth. We have planted many different vegetables and are looking forward to using them in our school kitchen for our home made lunches. Around the time of the Chelsea Flower show we will also be planting our own flowers and finding out about how plants grow and how to care for them.
During the week of the Jubilee celebrations, alongside hearing about the Queen, we will be making scones and cream, butterfly cakes and cucumber and tomato sandwiches and enjoying some real Garden tea parties. We will also be going red, white and blue as we produce flags, crowns and party decorations to decorate both ourselves and the village hall.
Our favourite fundraising evening of the year, Skittles night, was hugely successful with a good turnout of teams trying their utmost to topple the skittles whilst enjoying good food and drink and a laugh with friends. We would like to thank all who attended and supported us in this way and to everyone involved in setting up, collecting, preparing food and clearing away afterwards a special thank you to all of you!
The year has flown by and soon it will be time to bid farewell to many of our older children as they head off to Big School. We have been spending time preparing the children and helping them feel more comfortable with the transition from pre-school to Primary. The children have been attending some taster sessions in the reception class at Woodcote Primary School, getting to know the teachers and some of the other children as well as becoming familiar with the school environment. The parents of all our leavers have also had the opportunity to meet with their child’s keyworkers to discuss progress and take a look through their work folders.
As is always the case at the end of a school year, we will have a few spaces available. If you are interested in starting your child at Woodcote Pre-school or for more information, please contact Liz on 01491682300 or email
You can also find us on our wonderful new website www.woodcotepreschool.co.uk.