Munch Bunch
Choosing the right Pre-school
07/09/2010At pre-school we have been enjoying this lovely weather with trips to the allotment, here we have been digging up the weeds and planting sunflowers. We hope the sunflowers will grow very tall, so we can enter them into the Woodcote Festival in September.
Also, we have been learning about and growing different herbs to add to our cooking. We have kept some at pre-school and some have been sent home for our families to enjoy.
Our rhubarb plant has gone mad, and every Friday we help Zoë make rhubarb crumble and custard for pudding. We need to find more recipes for rhubarb – all ideas welcome. We have been enjoying our trips to the library, choosing books to help support the topics we are covering this term. We have to be very quiet when we are there – a learning process in itself! Our football skills have been perfected, ready for the World Cup (thank heavens by the time you read this it will be nearly over…hooray). Preparations are being made for Sports Day, with the sack race proving very popular.
With all this hot weather we have been out having picnics, watching the world go by and cooling ourselves under the gazebo. The them next term is about summer, when we will be learning about keeping ourselves safe in the sun and packing for our holidays.
We would also like to say a big thank you to everyone who made it along to our Skittles night in May. It was a fantastic success, a great night out, and raised just over £450 for Pre School