November Newsletter
January Newsletter
09/01/2012From playing at being astronauts, to building Space rockets out of boxes and creating pictures of all things Space related, the children have had a wonderful time exploring Space and all the exciting aspects of this topic. We have had some fantastic models made with lots of fun and giggles generated while gluing, cutting and sticking.
We have used some of the fund raising money to buy a full length mirror which the children all love posing in and pulling faces out themselves, we have some talking telephones, which they love hearing each other in from different ends in the room.
With the weather turning cold and wet of late, we have found lots of ways to occupy ourselves indoors. Using the main hall to zoom around on our scooters and trikes and play loud and energetic games with all our new sports equipment.
Of course, being December means that we are looking forward to getting out the glitter and Christmassy bits and making some lovely decorations and cards for friends and family. We have started practising for our Christmas production, The Christmas Star; the children will be performing Christmas songs and poems for their families. This will be held on 9th December.
The children have also designed their own special cards, which have been sent to printers and have come back ready to post. They have really outdone themselves and we predict there will be many proud parents when they receive their beautiful and original cards this year.
We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the Woodcote Rally committee who have once again rewarded us with a generous donation for our part in marshalling the Rally this year. We are excited about spending some of it on updating the equipment at pre-school.
Also thank you to the Oak class children and staff for watching our Halloween parade and for taking on the difficult task of choosing the best dressed winners Emma, the Black cat and Nathaniel, the Spider.
Congratulations must also go to Zoë who has completed her NVQ level 3 in record time. We all appreciate her dedication and hard work. Well done!
Looking ahead, Pre-school will be hosting a Winter Disco on the 11th of February 2012. So please save the date, as we would love to see many of you there to enjoy an evening of good music and dancing.
If you are interested in enrolling your child at Pre-school please contact Liz on 01491 682300, or drop in for a chat. Email . You can also take a look at our website for more information www.woodcotepreschool.co.uk.
Finally, we wish you all a very merry and peaceful festive season from all of us at Woodcote Pre-school.