The Allotment
Waiting for signs of growth
01/06/2012Over the next few months we will be involved in a few fundraising events. As always, we need volunteers to help us ensure that these events can take place.
Raffle Prizes: We are always on the scrounge for raffle prizes. If you or your employer are able to donate items which we could use in raffles please contact a member of the committee or staff.
If you are able to provide cakes or cupcakes for our coffee shop mornings, please contact Clare Ford ( our coffee shop co-ordinator).
If you can help by giving some of your time to help out making teas at various pre-school functions, marshalling at the Woodcote Rally, serving at the coffee shop and manning stalls at summer fayres or festivals please contact a member of staff or the committee.
Please remember that the pre-school is a charity. We rely on volunteers to manage the school and to raise funds to provide a better learning environment for our children. Any help would be greatly recieved and is most needed!
Please refer to the contact us page for further information or speak directly to a member of staff.