Munch Bunch
May Newsletter
09/05/2010Skittles Night, Friday 21st May, 7.30 p.m. Village Hall
Woodcote Pre-School will be holding their annual Skittles Night on Friday 21st May, and would love you to come and join them. Tickets cost £7.50 and include a light supper, and there will be a bar. Teams of up to 6 people are welcome (no skill required!), so round up your friends and come along for an evening of fun. For more information call Louise on 01491 682919.
Well thank goodness the weather seems to have started to behave. Back from half term, the evenings have been getting longer, the sun making itself known and we haven’t been snowed in for, ooohhh, weeks now. Pre-School has celebrated the milder weather with outdoor activities and trips to the park. The allotment is beckoning, but no seeds have been planted yet. We anticipate being there in the next few weeks; you’ll be able to spot us skipping across the Village Green to the allotment, ready to water toes and the odd bit of fruit and veg. Back inside we have been celebrating St David’s Day by making daffodil and leek pictures, making good use of the new dress-up costumes (dragons) and watching knights save fair maidens. There have also been a good number of knights saved by the maidens.
Our topic this term is ‘Transport’. We have enjoyed being racing car drivers, speeding around on our bikes and trikes, and learning to be mechanics, fixing our cars. We are being firemen, though we are not allowed to put out real fires (disappointing), police (undertaking a high number of arrests for such a small village) and ambulance personnel, helping the injured. You may hear us practicing our singing as you go past the Village Hall, as we learn and perfect our songs for parents at the Easter parade. There will be plenty of colourful and imaginative bonnets at the parade, which we are looking forward to seeing.
We enjoyed a visit from Wendy’s grandson, who was well cuddled that morning; we also learnt how to look after a baby and practiced on our own babies after he left.
Our new menu is going down a treat, especially Zoë’s homemade puddings, which are a favourite with all the children. Cottage pie, spag bol, chicken with potatoes, vegetables and gravy are just a taste of what is on offer each week, along with crumbles and sponges with custard.