Term 1 – Sept – October 2019 – All About Me
12/11/2019Colouring Competition!!
08/11/2020Our first day back after lockdown! We have set the room up into two separate areas and the children have been placed into ‘bubbles’ with their teachers. We have put various safety measures in place to help the children & parents settle into ‘the new normal’. There are 2m safety markings outside for drop off & pick up, vigorous hand-washing and cleaning practices are all in place.
The children were very excited to come back to see their friends and teachers. We made a big Elmer to put on our display board and the children enjoyed painting his brightly coloured squares, learning about different colours. We added some of his friends which were either painted or collaged. We have visited our allotment to pick our strawberries and water all our produce which is growing really nicely. There has been lots of outdoor fun the children turned the outdoor area into a Car Garage where they were fixing & selling cars. We have been practising our balancing on the balance beam and making obstacle courses to complete. We have been reading all the Elmer stories and learning about all his adventures.